Varicocele Problems
Men enjoy talking about their reproductive systems with others. That’s how they establish dominance among each other. But when an embarrassing illness occurs… it doesn’t seem so fun to joke anymore, does it? Why keep hiding when the answers you need are just one click away? Keeping yourself informed is the first step to a healthy life. So have you ever heard of varicocele? One in seven men has it, but what is it?
You probably know something about varicose veins, those enlarged and twisted veins that commonly appear in the legs. Varicocele is related to those, but instead of appearing on the legs, they are present in the scrotum. Sounds scary, right? But you don’t need to be afraid. They are really easy to diagnose and in most cases they don’t cause any symptoms, but when they do, they can be removed surgically.
What Causes Varicocele?
When the blood vessels become larger around the scrotum, it indicates the malfunctioning of the small veins in the scrotum. If the valves do not work very well, the blood can flow in reverse, which can cause the veins to become swollen, large or dilated. These large veins can also cause testicular and groin pain.
What is your best treatment option? The robotic assisted microsurgical sub-inguinal varicocelectomy would be your best option. This operation can be performed at The PUR Clinic, which provides the most advanced care. The surgeons there have large experience with this kind of health problem. In the last few years they have treated around 250 patients. 70% of those who had low sperm counts because of the varicocele have improved significantly and 19 % of the patients who could not produce sperm have started to do so. It is a well known fact that microsurgical procedures offer many benefits to patients, and The PUR Clinic is an industry expert in such procedures, having performed over 1,000 of them.
If you do have symptoms like scrotum pain that increases when you are standing, sitting or exercising, atrophy of the testicles, visible dilated veins or even fertility problems, you might want to consult a specialist to help take care of your problem. The PUR Clinic is located in Clermont, Florida, but you can also contact them by e-mail or by phone.