Inability to Orgasm
Many women experience problems with sexual function at some point in their lives. This is a topic most women do not want to openly discuss. One of the most common concerns is the inability to achieve orgasm. This can affect women at any age. Both physical and psychological factors can be contributors to the problem. Some common causes may include:
● Hormonal changes during postpartum months, perimenopause or menopause
● Chronic illnesses
● Stress or anxiety or depression
● Certain medications including antidepressants, blood pressure medicines, antihistamines
Diagnosis and Treatment
If the problem is has a negative effect on a patient's life or relationship, they are strongly encouraged to speak to their provider about their concerns. During the initial consultation, the provider may discuss past sexual, medical and psychological histories to evaluate for contributing factors to the problem. With this information, the provider may be able to treat any underlying medical conditions, recommend lifestyle adjustments, adjust any current medications that may be affecting the condition or suggest relaxation techniques that might enhance comfort during sexual activity. Patients are encouraged to communicate with their partner about their concerns about what is going on. Enhanced communication can lead to a heightened level of intimacy, which may help reduce symptoms. This is an issue which is generally able to be resolved.