Two years ago, I elected to have a vasectomy. I was married with three children and thought it was a good idea to stop with three. After talking with many of my friends and co-workers who already had the procedure, it seemed like an easy enough process so I called to schedule my surgery. Looking back, I proceeded forward with a life-changing event without much regard for the greater impact it would truly have on my life.
Immediately following the procedure, I was in a great deal of pain (to be expected) that did not really go away (not to be expected). The doctor that performed the procedure said that some follow-on pain is normal, so I waited patiently. Over time, the pain became infrequent and did not seem to affect my daily routine; however, there was always a slight discomfort in the general region of the surgery.
One-and-one-half years after the procedure, the infrequent, slight discomfort turned into almost continual pain that greatly affected my daily routine. Sexual intercourse became so painful that I completely lost all sexual desire. It was very difficult to get in and out of bed, chairs, the car, etc. as the pain was radiating throughout the entire region and into my abdomen.
Emotionally, I felt that I had made a great mistake. I was very overcome with remorse for the decision I had made to take my capabilities of sexual reproduction into my own hands. I began to realize how unnatural and selfish the vasectomy truly was. The proposed sexual freedom that the procedure allowed proved to be a form of sexual slavery that rendered me completely incapable of having another child. On top of that, it was really starting to hurt.
At this point, reality set in and I began asking myself: “What did you think? It was an elective procedure not a forced sterilization. This was your decision, you need to live with it.” Fortunately, I did not have to.
To be expected, the thought of living in an emotionally and physically painful state for the rest of my life did not sit well with me. I started checking the forums and blogs about vasectomy pain – specifically post vasectomy pain (PVP). To my surprise, PVP is a much more common occurrence than reported. It shocked me to think of the number of men who elect to have this surgery every day who have no idea of the true and lasting effects or side-effects. Ultimately, all of my inquiries and research led me to the PUR Clinic and Dr. Brahmbhatt.
From my first meeting with Dr. Brahmbhatt, I was immediately relieved. He was very thoughtful and compassionate about the situation and offered me three solutions. Of all the possible solutions, the best was to undo the damage and reverse the vasectomy. He thoroughly explained the reversal and the associated risks with the utmost poise and candor. After our first meeting, I felt 100% confident in his capabilities and immediately scheduled the vasectomy reversal.
Within weeks, I met with Dr. Brahmbhatt again for the surgery. Both before and after the procedure, his bedside demeanor was excellent and his staff was exceptional. As a side note, the PUR Clinic staff was very easy to work with and fully answered/resolved all of my concerns both before and after the surgery; from medical questions, testing, scheduling, to payment, everyone was very professional and courteous. As for the day of surgery itself, the procedure took about three hours and proved to be less uncomfortable than the initial vasectomy. Dr. Brahmbhatt assured me that I had a working reproductive system and with hope and prayers I would have a healthy recovery.
One week following the reversal, there was regional pain but all of the throbbing and discomfort caused by the vasectomy were gone. Prior to the surgery, I would have continuous shoots of pain radiating into my abdomen, but within only one week I could feel the positive effects of the reversal. One month later and I was almost completely without pain and free to resume sexual activity.
During the following month, all traces of pain disappeared and I scheduled my post-procedure follow-up appointment. I arrived at the PUR Clinic early for my semen analysis to determine the overall effectiveness of the surgery. I was already pain-free but the test would prove my complete cure. I met with Dr. Brahmbhatt in the afternoon to go over the results of the test and he shared with me that I now had nearly 100 million sperm per milliliter of semen. I was cured and without pain; I was whole, happy, and healthy.
It has now been five months since my vasectomy reversal and I feel great gratitude toward Dr. Brahmbhatt and the PUR Clinic who restored and returned my life to me. Thank you.
To the many men out there who are struggling with post vasectomy pain, for any reason, I strongly urge you to seek the solution and stop living in pain. Call the PUR Clinic today.
Kevin W