“This is probably a long shot but you were the nurse taking care of my wife while she was having our baby,” the ad reads. “I enjoyed our eye contact and would really like to talk to you more. Maybe tomorrow I will be there most of the day and I will bump in to you in the hall way or see you at the nurse station.” ]
Excerpt used from Yahoo Health
Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, co-director of The PUR Clinic and a specialist on issues relating to men’s health, says a hormone other than oxytocin might be to blame for this guy’s wild post.
“Research has also shown testosterone declines in men before their spouse gives birth,”
Dr. Brahmbhatt told Yahoo Health.
“In this case, he may have a hormonal imbalance, and that increased testosterone might lead to a higher libido.”
To continue reading the entire article, including Dr. Brahmbhatt’s input, check it out online in Yahoo Health!
*Article Photo by Getty Images