Making your health a priority is important, but the team at The PUR Clinic does more than just support and inform others about how and why.
Doctors Sijo Parekattil and Jamin Brahmbhatt have begun their own fitness challenge and are choosing to lead by example.
Common Healthy Lifestyle Changes
While there are various aspects that are important to living a healthy lifestyle, one of the most common changes is adding exercise to your daily routine. Getting fit can do wonders for a person’s health. Even simple exercises like walking, stretching, or even standing for a period of time during the day can help with breathing, blood flow, and muscle toning. Basically, no matter what level you start at, working out is beneficial to your body and mind.
Perhaps, you are less curious about where to start and more interested in when. Life can be busy and you might not have a specific time of day that you can carve out and dedicate to working out. The doctors at The PUR Clinic surely understand having a tight schedule, and yet, they have managed to find the time to make fitness a priority. For example, whether it is early morning, in between OR cases, or during family night, they are taking every opportunity to improve their health. Not only that, but they are getting others to join in with them, raising the bar for their team, friends, and families.
Follow The Fitness Journey
You can keep up with the doctors’ progress as they continue on with their fitness challenge through following them on social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Take some inspiration from their example and start your own fitness challenge today! Even if you begin with small steps or work out during seemingly strange windows of opportunity, make your health a priority.
The PUR Clinic is located in Clermont, Florida at the South Lake Hospital. If you have questions about such areas as Chronic Testicular Pain and/or Groin Pain, Male Infertility, or Vasectomy Reversals, contact us today!