Hello I want to take some time out here to write about my condition of bilateral chronic Orchialgia (testicle pain) into the last 15 years of my life.
You see – in early 1999 I had a vasectomy when a major infection set in. I was put on a long course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications which did absolutely nothing to help me as my testicle became super sensitive . The urologist who performed the vasectomy told me that sometimes “the tubes have to be removed” and the tubes the urologist was referring to were called the epididymis. Going on the advice of the urologist I booked the surgery to have both the tubes removed from both testicles.
When I woke up from surgery my life was forever changed. I thought before this procedure to remove the tubes was bad I really had no idea for what I was in for upon waking up from surgery. I felt extreme pain and throbbing. At that point, I was not very worried. I assumed it would take a while to recover from the surgery. Unfortunately for me, that was not post surgical pain it was a new pain from having the tubes removed. After that, I went to three more urologists to see if anything could be done to help me. Each urologist that I went to all performed a cystoscopy procedure and scrotal ultra sounds for any abnormalities and all told me that there is nothing they can do for me. I was told by all three that ” you’re just going to have to live with this, sorry there is nothing I can do for you “. At that point, I was very disappointed. I went back to my family doctor. At my family doctor, I was somewhat distraught that there is nothing that can be done and I was in terrible pain. My family doctor put me on Amitriptylene (75mg) which is known to help with nerve pain, if that what was causing the problems was damaged nerves? I filled the prescription took the first pill woke up in the morning and I had no pain. Up until the summer of 2014 this medication worked quite well even some days you hardly knew there was a problem. However, on the days I had breakthrough pain life was pretty bad. I am an industrial mechanic (MILLWRIGHT) and this sometimes requires hard and heavy demanding work. On the bad days I would take tylenol#3 prescribed by my family doctor, go to work do my job in sometimes grueling pain, come home, eat and go to bed for the night. In the summer of 2014 the amitriptylene was hardly working at all. I talked with both my family doctor and my pharmacist about how it is not working as it once did for pain control. And they both told me over a period of time the body gets used to the medication and sometimes it basically stops working as it once did. My life had started to revert back to the early dark days of this problem. My biggest worry was I’m at the point where this medication will no longer help me. Now what do I do? I was very scared.
One day in early March 2015 I was in debilitating pain which my tylenol#3 was not even helping with. I got on my computer thinking it’s many years since this problem started maybe there are new ways in dealing with this problem. Researching on the computer about testicle pain I came across the Pur Clinic. I started to read about the denervation of the spermatic cord. It seemed somewhat interesting and promising. I knew the condition I had was very rare as my family doctor is in among a group of 20 other family doctors. My family doctor had told me he had talked with all the other doctors in the practice and said “You are the only one with this condition, we’ve never seen anyone with this before which could not be resolved with antibiotics, this is very rare.” I told my doctor about the Pur Clinic and the denervation procedure that I found on the computer. My doctor started looking for places that performed this procedure locally as I’m from Canada. The denervation of the spermatic cord is not performed anywhere within Canada so my family doctor told me the only thing you can do is go to the USA for the procedure. I was nervous but knew it most certainly was well worth it a calculated risk that I most certainly thought would be worthwhile. The surgery has a 72% chance of completely eliminating the pain and an 85% chance of reducing it by 50% or better. The one thing that has always bothered me about having this condition is basically you suffer in silence. As people would probably look at you like you’re crazy if you told them about this problem. You may also be the biggest joke around a source of many jokes so you only tell very few people or at least I did.
I called Pur Clinic initially for the pricing as I had no insurance. As in Canada all medical costs are covered by the government but this procedure was simply not available at home. I started reading the testimonials from people whom have had the this procedure done at the Pur Clinic. I must admit I am a very skeptical person and if something sounds to good to be true it usually is there are so many scams out there. I wondered to myself – this could be a very viable option for me based on many of the testimonials on the site. After reading so many of the testimonials, I decided to fire off an email which was pretty much replied to right away. A telephone consultation was scheduled for March 25, 2015 with Dr.Brahmbhatt and I had my consultation with this highly skilled surgeon. He determined that I would be a good candidate for the Robotic Denervation Of The spermatic Cord. I flew to Clermont, Florida on May 11, 2015 and on May 12, 2015 I had a nerve block to determine if the procedure would help me. I had the procedure on May 12, 2015 and the nerve block worked quite well. On May 13, 2015 I went back for an office visit with Dr. Brahmbhatt to discuss how the nerve block worked for me. It really worked well. After hearing that Dr. Brahmbhatt said he looked forward to doing the bilateral denervation surgery and told me he thought I would do very well with it Dr. Brahmbhatt could not of been more right about that, everything went perfect.
The Thursday of May 14, 2015 was the day for the surgery. I was quite nervous but I went in, had the surgery and it went quite well. I woke up with ZERO PAIN IN EITHER SIDE – a life changing moment. I must say, absolutely no testicle pain whatsoever – completely eliminated. A little sore at the surgery sites but each day it’s that much better. I want all men to know this surgery can really help you and I highly recommend it to anyone with the same problem. Again – I can’t thank Dr. Brahmbhatt enough for what he did for me. He is a very nice doctor who wants to see his patients do well and takes a genuine interest in their recovery to a new pain free life.
Thanks so much Dr.Brahmbhatt for all your efforts. You have changed my life in more ways than words can ever say.
Richard Lovelace
Guelph, Ontario