Fox 35 invites Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt from The PUR Clinic to discuss the higher risks involved with inactivity over obesity and how weight is not always an accurate indicator of health.
Obesity is a growing global epidemic. We discuss a new study from Cambridge University. They followed 334,161 Europeans for 12 years. They assessed exercise levels, waistlines, and recorded death based on surveys. They found the greatest risk of death was in those classified as INACTIVE. Based on this they found eliminating inactivity would eliminate mortality rates by 7.5% (or 676,000 deaths) and eliminating obesity would cut rates by 3.6% (337,000 of total 9.2 million deaths in Europe). So in summary those that were active were less likely to die. 20 minutes of activity a day is all that’s needed to lead a healthier lifestyle.