I discovered the PUR Clinic through research papers published on the internet. I had exhausted the treatments available locally and was looking for a new approach. PUR seemed to have a unique method of treatment, but I was concerned about traveling.
I decided to make contact and learn more. I was able to arrange a phone interview with Dr. Brahmbhatt who answered my questions and pointed towards my being a good candidate for the procedure. The Clinic staff were very helpful with convenient lodging and patient services. I made arrangements to travel to Orlando for an evaluative procedure and, if that went well, the nerve deadening the next day.
Both procedures went well and I had expectations for significant relief. Recovery took several weeks but settled onto a course of steady improvement. I am not totally pain-free but have much less pain than prior to surgery. I have also reduced or eliminated the medications I was taking for my problem.
I am extremely satisfied with the result of the surgery and grateful to Dr. Brahmbhatt.