Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) refers to the consistent inability to achieve or maintain a strong erection. It can range from very mild to severe. For an erection to be able to occur, a specific sequence of event needs to take place, allowing blood to enter the penis while restricting the outflow of blood from leaving the vessels in the penis. The pressure created by this "trapped" blood is what helps to maintain an erection. If there is a consistent breakdown in any steps in this sequence, erectile dysfunction is the end result. Erectile dysfunction (ED) may occur at any age, however, the occurrence of ED is increasingly common as a man gets older. However, it should not be considered a natural part of aging and there are many ways to help improve erections.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
In older men, there may be physical or medical conditions that are contributing to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction may be caused by a combination of medical, physical and psychological factors including but not limited to:
● High blood pressure
● Heart disease
● Diabetes
● Physical injuries
● Side effects from prescription medications
● Drug or alcohol use including smoking, vaporing or marijuana
● Psychological factors such stress, anxiety, fear of failure
● Obesity
Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is diagnosed by evaluating a patient's medical and psychological history, performing a physical evaluation, and conducting a series of laboratory tests as determined as appropriate that may include:
● Blood testing
● Urinalysis
● Thyroid function tests
● Testosterone measurements
● Ultrasound of penis
● Psychosocial evaluation
● May recommend Cardiac evaluation to rule out heart disease
Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction may be treated with:
● Medication PDE5 Inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, etc.)
● Injection therapy
● Psychological therapy, stress management
● Lifestyle changes
● Vacuum devices
● Penile implants (IPP)
Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction
Not all cases of erectile dysfunction can be prevented, however, there are lifestyle changes that canimpact erections significantly.
● Eat a healthy diet
● Exercise regularly including lifting weights
● Stop use of tobacco products or drug use
● Increased water intake
● Maintain healthy blood pressure
● Cut back on alcohol use
● Reduce stress
● Weight loss